
Monday, May 2, 2016

Gecko Feet

Gecko has millions of microscopic hairs on there feet . When the Gecko put they feet on a wall or trees it sticks (stays)because of the little microscopic hairs on they toes. (feet)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Shark Skin

Texture: Shark skin is made of a matrix of tiny, hard, tooth-like structures called dermal denticles or placoid scales. These structures are shaped like curved, grooved teeth and make the skin a very tough armor with a texture like sandpaper. They have the same structure as a tooth with an outer layer of enamel, dentine and a central pulp cavity. 
These scales also help the shark swim more quickly because their streamlined shapes helps decrease the friction of the water flowing along the shark's body, by channeling it through grooves. Also, the shark's skin is so rough that contact with it can injure prey. All of the spines of the denticles point backwards (towards the tail), so it would feel relatively smooth it you moved your hand from head to tail (but rough the other way).

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Healing Materials

Self-healing materials are a class of smart materials that have the structurally incorporated ability to repair damage caused by mechanical usage over time. The inspiration comes from biological systems, which have the ability to heal after being wounded.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Technology As A Friend

Technology As Friend

 I say drones are friendly only if it's yours it helps you spy on people,or find people,and track them down when you need to you could have a drone to help you save people drones has a camera on it so if someone kidnap somebody you can use a drone to see where they taking them.

 For example, you could have a drone to see things like the street say if it's a car accident you can use a drone to help someone in trouble say if it's a fire you can use a drone to see who is in the fire.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Question 3

How can you create a better blog?

1.You can make the blog better by having enough memory, or downloading games, and other things that are downloadable.Blogging Tips 101

Monday, January 25, 2016

Question 2

What are some of the pros of blogging?

1:A pros of blogging is that you can use it anywhere. And also when you use outside you can like tell your family where and pros of blogging is for information about something you need to know like science and you could connect with people because it your blog and social media you can see post that people make like on face book, or Instagram.

Question 1

Name two components of a blog?

1.After I was done watching the common craft video I learned that blogs are for a lot of things like communicating with people such like your family. Blogs are also for family and friends sharing information or good news.